Holiday Party Pretty
If you're like me, dressing for holiday parties is a welcomed opportunity to express your inner glamour-puss. It's also cause to tear apart your entire closet auditioning every special piece of clothing you own in search of the right combination of funky sophistication and sexy warmth. You should see the piles of 'nos' stacked on every surface of my closet! Standing among the piles of discarded tuxedo jackets and satin dresses, I was a little surprised that my winning looks weren't based on new additions to my wardrobe. Instead, I landed on finer pieces, bought and stored seasons ago, that have been patiently waiting for the right occasion to be worn.
I found this black dotted dress at none other than my local thrift store. Despite nailing the alteration (it was way too big and had three tiers of floor length ruffles cascading from under the edge of the 'dress'), I never managed to give it public debut until now. It never really 'sang' until I added this jeweled peter pan collar picked up from Zara last year.
Dress: Thrifted (and altered) // Jeweled Peter Pan Collar: Zara // Minaudiere: Thrifted (Similar HERE & HERE) // Shoes: Schutz 'Gilberta' // Tights: Target // Sunglasses: Spitfire 'Coco' (Available at Asos) // Earrings: Double Bubble (Ebay, Similar HERE & HERE)
So friends, your holiday party outfits don't have to be brand new and they don't have to be covered in Christmas color, but they do have to feel a little special to you. This is the season for silver and gold! For tinsel! And for sparkle! But mostly, this is the season for love and family, for peace and joy, and for moments of quiet reflection on the beauty and bounty of our short lives together. And although I love a pretty dress and shiny jewelry, wearing them never means more to me than how much I love you. Merry Christmas!