Frontwards Backwards
Blouse: J Crew // Pants: LOFT // Espadrilles: Dolce Vita // Saddlebag: Madewell // Necklace: Banana Republic (Sold Out, Similar) // Large Tassel Bracelet: Banana Republic // Smaller Tassel Bracelets: Banana Republic // Sunglasses: Karen Walker
It recently occurred to me my simple clothing needn't be worn simply. Their nondescript styles and shapes can be easily altered or manipulated into appearing stronger and a little less basic, and in doing so, I'm making my clothing more my own. Why shouldn't I cut the hems from my jeans if that's the look I really want? Why not wear that scarf as a halter top? What am I saving them for? So much of my clothing just sits there collecting dust until I tdecide to take their destinies into my bare hands and make them exactly as I want. It's empowering! It feels good to give right away to my imagination!
Today I'm wearing a perfectly basic (albeit a little boring) linen blouse, but instead of buttoning it down the front as convention would demand, I'm wearing it the way I want to. Backwards. Sexily. Oddly and with a nod to the incongruous. With rebellion! And still... with elegance.
This post is not about recommending you wear your button-downs backward. (Although if you do, I recommend using a shirt without front pockets.) No. It's about recommeding you wear your clothing the way YOU want to. If you want to wear your new skirt as a tube top, do it. Want to custom destroy a pair of jeans just sitting ther? Go for it. Indulge yourself. Because I'll tell you... wearing something a little off kilter and enduring the stares of those that don't 'get it' feels better than going along with the herd. Sometimes you have give the finger to propriety and convention. Stand out, dammit! And more to the point.. get out there and PLAY WITH YOUR CLOTHES!